What Is An Android Developer & What Do They Do?

The tech industry continues to grow as products keep on improving and upgrading. To keep up with the demand, jobs within this sector have skyrocketed. It’s estimated that there are over 12.4 million jobs in the technology industry as of 2021, which is one of the highest counts in history.

While there are plenty of avenues to go down if you’re looking to work in this growing industry, working at one of the major companies is a great way to go. Google is just one example, and if you’re thinking of getting into the field, a job as an Android developer might be a great way to go.

Here’s everything you need to know about this important line of employment, as well as some ways you may be able to get into the business yourself.

What Does an Android Developer Do?

Android is an operating system (OS) that runs a number of Android smartphones and mobile devices, like the Samsung Galaxy or the Google Pixel. If you ever work as an Android developer, you’d likely be working under the Google umbrella.

Android app developers design software and mobile apps for Android devices and the Google Play Store. While they may work for an app company directly, they may also work for larger corporations.

Typically, Android developers are in the business of making applications or apps. This might include developing games, services, or social media-based applications that are tailored specifically for Android devices. 

They help create apps from concept to launch and beyond, helping develop layouts, navigation, storage systems, notifications, and beyond. Each component of app design is unique, so developers often have a wide-ranging technical skill set.

Many Android developer job descriptions will ask for:

  • Writing program code to build apps or design for Android devices. This includes knowledge of C++ and JavaScript.

  • Troubleshooting bugs in new or existing applications or creating a debugger to ensure they run smoothly.

  • Performing module testing of applications through the Android platform.

  • Working with outside teams to help companies create applications that they deem are fit for their preferences.

Android vs Apple Development

Android is a direct competitor to Apple. If you’re an independent app developer, you may be wondering which one is better. While it’s largely personal preferences, there are a few things to keep in mind.

In terms of programming language, Android uses Java. While this is a universal script, it can be hard to work with if you don’t have proper training and education. Apple uses a native language called Swift, which is easier to use and also more convenient. This reduces the time spent coding the app itself.

With that said, Android is open source. This essentially means that developers have access to more hardware, features, and file systems that are usually off-limits in terms of developing for Apple. It allows Android developers to have more customization options. You may also want to become familiar with the Android software development kit (Android SDK), Android Studio, Android emulators, and the Kotlin programming language.

Both have their pros and cons. But if you know that you want to become an Android developer specifically, there are a few skills that you’ll want to make sure you have.

How to Become an Android Developer

App development for Android is an entry-level position. But it doesn’t mean you can be unskilled if you’re looking to be an app developer. You need to have some prior education or experience.

For one, you’ll need intricate knowledge of programming languages such as C++ and JavaScript. It’s also helpful to have knowledge of MYSQL databases and a background in computer coding or web design.

Of course, basics like HTML and XML, RESTful APIs, Git, and Android UI design principles will go a long way when getting into mobile app development.

App developers also utilize other development tools and resources indirectly related to app design. It’s always helpful to have knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite and program testing software and database management systems, like IBM Rational PurifyPlus and Apache Flume, respectively.

Android developers also need to understand current tech trends. And while you’ll spend a lot of time working alone, having a good work ethic and communication skills when cooperating with team members is essential for success.

Most app developers have at least a Bachelor’s degree in software development or a related field. However, you usually don’t need prior experience as an app developer to become an Android developer specifically.

Android Developer Salary

While the salary for this and similar positions varies by skill level and company, the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the median salary for Software Development positions is $110,140. If that’s not enough to convince you to go down this path, we’re not sure what is!

With that said, a successful Android developer isn’t in it for the money. If you’re someone with a passion for innovation, or if you have an amazing idea for an app that’s never been done before, this position might be something for you to consider.

After you’ve done your time as an Android developer, a natural progression is to become a Senior App Developer. This title involves taking on leadership and mentorship roles in addition to the development roles that are typical for the original position.

Similar Job Roles

Being an Android developer isn’t your only way to get into the tech industry. There are a plethora of avenues.

If you prefer the visual aspects of software engineering instead of coding, you may want to consider graphic design. This can allow you to incorporate the visual elements of an application to ensure that it’s pleasing to look at and intuitive when it comes to utilization.

You can also put software engineering skills to sources outside of mobile phones. You can be a developer for websites, video games, or other forms of electronic media that require coding.

Additionally, if you prefer working with hardware rather than software, an IT engineer might be right up your alley. Here, you’ll perform routine maintenance and install hardware in homes or corporate buildings.

Finally, you may consider being a technical support specialist to help individuals troubleshoot any problems on their mobile phones or other electronic devices. 

You may help individuals struggling to properly use their software or even individuals experiencing malfunctions due to spam calls and viruses.

In Conclusion

An Android Developer’s job is to design software and applications for Android devices, particularly their mobile phones and tablets. They typically need knowledge of coding language as well as a background in design and intrapersonal communication.

It’s also useful for Android developers to know the C++ and Java programming languages. In addition, one should understand current trends in tech or have an idea of a specific type of app they’re looking to engineer. Understanding Android applications will also help, especially as you try to fix bugs, brainstorm new features, and improve the user interface and user experience.

Android developers work in direct competition with Apple developers, who create apps for iOS systems. While each has pros and cons, you may want to do some research to see which type of developer aligns with your interests more suitably.

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